Export Is an Essential Field of Economy
The economy of any country strongly depends on the proportion of exports, which is why it is of such tremendous importance. Foreign exchange inflows are mainly generated by export operations and create basis for buying products from abroad.
Concerning the history, 2014 became a breaking point in the Russian economy when exporters first faced serious problems due to sanctions imposed by the US and the European Union. At that time, the Russian government took several actions to support exporting companies in order to resist the external pressure.
Developing exports is absolutely necessary for any country’s economy and prosperity. Because exports are, first of all, a source of budgetary resources and improving competitiveness of domestic goods. So, what can we say about formalizing such difficult process as exports?
Customs registration of exports includes:
- preparing and finalizing paperwork on the exported goods for customs authorities;
- filing information on the exported cargo to customs authorities;
- paying (if needed) customs fees and duties.
ABIPA has a status of official customs representative in Russia, with our qualified specialists in charge of formalizing exports for over 12 years so we can guarantee a highest level of expertise in the field.
If you need to export goods our specialists will consult you on the customs assistance with your cargo, answer all your questions, help you collect documents, and conduct the whole formalization procedure from A to Z. For more detailed information, contact us by calling +7 495 781 60 55 or via email sales@abipa.net.